why to bother???---para q me molestarme!!!
why to bother now??, i can not fix the past is DONE, the present?? pfff and the future??? everything is getting so stressful, even to find someone who really is in ur frecuency or same channel!!!, LIE NOW THESE DAYS IS THE NEW TRUTH!!!!, fuck it i hate it!!! i hate when people lie in to my face, i lie??? ofcourse but not with serious stuff i cant is to paintful, i cant deal with it i dont know how...
anyways days are passing and i wanted to chare something about me, i used to like some much the art i still do but i dont make art anymore, like before when i was so much young like in high school i use to draw everything on my own way and i love and pople always love it, but my dad didnt aprove it NEVER he hate it, so i stop doing in it YES BEACUSE I WAS STUPID AND IM STILL IM FOR MOST OF THE STUFF, i cant draw anymore it was my passion but now i dont know what to do with a pencil on my hands anymore............maybe anyone there behind the computer UNDERSTAND WHAT I FEEL maybe dont anyways, MAYBE WE JUST STOP PRETEND TO BE WHAT WE ARE NOT.............and just let it flow is hard most of the time i get stress for everything NOW IS BETTER LET IT FLOW much easier, maybe one day i will take the pencil again i hope that part of me is not dead or maybe it is, ut if some is there and is passing for the same thing, PLEASE DONT FINISH LIKE ME KEEP DOING WHATEVER MAKES U HAPPY WITHOUT HURTING OTHERS!!(is difficult but EVERYTHING IS NO?)